Tuesday, November 25, 2008

School's Thanksgiving Feast

Last week the girls' school had their Thanksgiving Feast. Lauren and Emma made vests out of paper grocery bags and headdresses to celebrate. Each of the classrooms also made a dish to eat. Lauren said she made corn cassarole, and Emma said she made corn dog cassarole...hmmm. Not sure the Pilgrims had hot dogs at Plymouth Rock.

Life after Dell

My last day at Dell is December 2nd. Dell is having some issues right now, like almost every company, and to trim the fat they decided to offer a voluntary severance package to all employees. Since I have been at Dell for almost 8 years it was a deal that I couldn't pass up. I don't have any plans yet but once I figure out what I am going to do I will let you know. -Bill

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our first Fire

After 5 years of owning our house we finally decided the girls were both old enough to have a fire. While Jessica was out shopping she bought some wood on the side of the road along with smores supplies. The girls enjoyed the camp out and are ready for the next step of camping outside next year. -Bill

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday afternoon

Jessica is in Chicago for Pack Expo until Wed night so it is just the girls and I. We had fun playing inside Sunday morning and then in the front yard and the park in the afternoon once it warmed up. -Bill

Sick Emma

She is better now but she was sick on Thursday and Friday. - Bill

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Best time of the year

Right now is the best time of the year in Texas. The high is around 80 and the lows are around 60. If it could stay this way all year round it would be great. The girls love to go to the park on the weekend and color on the picnic table. It is nice to be able to stay outside for long periods of time without getting a heat stroke. -Bill

Pictures from weekend

On Sunday we went over to a friends house for the afternoon. Here are some pictures of the kids playing. Emma loved rocking out with the guitar. They both also loved the trampoline and Lauren asked if we could get one. -Bill

Lauren's Desk

Lauren rearranged the furniture in the front room. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was setting up her desk. -Bill

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween pt3 the crash

We let the girls stay up until about 9:00 since they were having a great time jumping and eating candy. They put up a weak fight for about 20 seconds when I said it was time to go to bed. They both went in the house and straight to the couches and passed out. -Bill

Halloween pt2

Our next door neighbors hosted a party for their church so after going around the neighborhood trick or treating we hung out at the bounce house. The girls had a great time and as you can see they had a costume change half way through the night. -Bill

Halloween night

Here are some pictures of the girls before they went out on Halloween. As you can see they are not Ghosts. They decided to skip the ghost costume which was fine with us! They had about 15 dresses to choose from and Lauren picked the ladybug costume that Emma wore for Halloween last year. It was a little small but she didn't care. -Bill