Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Lone Spartan

Here is a picture of Emmas Class on Spirit day. She is the lone Spartan in a sea of Longhorns. -Bill

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages...

We went to the circus yesterday and had a great time. We had the first row of seats off the floor, so we were able to see everything really well. I was slightly nervous though at how close we were to the tiger cage and where they brought the elephants in and out of for their part in the show. We were so close we could see the elephant's eye lashes! But, it all went well and the girls liked the show. Lauren's favorite part was when a clown had a stuffed animal which was really a dog dressed up as a stuffed animal - it was cute. Emma's favorite part was seeing the elephants, although the cotton candy came in a close second.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The New Computer

Bill has been looking on Craig's List daily for an Apple computer for the girls. He found one last night and picked it up this afternoon. The girls already have a Skype account and have been chatting with our friends in MI (see picture on computer), and Grandma and Grandpa Clark in FL. Next is getting Grandma Luci's computer set up so when they are back in MI they can chat with the girls too.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Good Week

Lauren and Emma both had a great first week back at school, so in celebration we went to the local ice cream shop. It didn't seem to bother the girls it was on the coldest night in Austin, in like a decade. Thankfully, we still had all our winter gear from going up north over Christmas handy!