Monday, August 4, 2008

1st Day of School

The girls are off this morning to their new school. We hung around with them for a while, but they were really ready to start this new adventure. Not a cry or request to stay a little longer (which made mommy want to cry a little). But, I could not be prouder of them both for their independence and desire to venture out and lead at their new school. Lauren was overjoyed to see a table of "little things" (aka leggos) and found a friend to play leggos with her. They were creating a jail when I was leaving... Emma was playing with trains, put her items in her cubby, and was eating crackers when we left. They're going to do great!

1 comment:

Lampreyguy said...

Emma playing with trains? Just like she did at Grandpa's house with his trains. Great first day picture and pictures of the school. Can't wait to see it in person and have Lauren and Emma show us around.

Grandma Luci and Grandpa Denny