Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Future Girl Scout

Lauren had the opportunity to participate in Exploration Day at 3M with area Girl Scouts. I was volunteering for the event and asked if Lauren could come with since she had the day off from school. The age range was 6th-9th grade girls, and the activity was to create a mechanical hand out of paper, duct tape, straws and string. Lauren was able to trace her hand, apply the duct tape, cut out her hand, bend the fingers where her joints were, and started to cut all the little plastic straw pieces to apply to the hand, when she decided it was much more fun to make bracelets and necklaces.
We made the 3M presentation though to execs, since I found this picture posted on the internal 3M site. It was a lot of fun to have her there with me.

1 comment:

Lampreyguy said...

Your Yooper past still shows through at times..."asked if Lauren could come with..."