Thursday, July 30, 2009

That's Life

Lauren received a light-up ball at school for good behavior and left it in her cubby on our way out. In the car, half way home, she remembered it, and I said she could get it the next day. Lauren started on about how the ball was alone and one of her friends would probably take it home just like someone had taken home her ocean diorama too, and her exact next words were "and I know that's just life, but..."
I held back my laughter but was rolling on the inside.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Night 1 - No Pull-Up

Emma slept last night without a pull-up! She has been out of pull-ups during the day for quite some time now, but we've still been using them at night just in case, although she has been "pee-free" overnight also for some time now. The convenience, and the fact we bought a massive load at Costco and I see $0.30 per pull-up just collecting dust, has kept us using them. But, last night we all made the decision that Emma was ready to try panties. She picked out the pair she wanted and it was off to bed. This morning we celebrated! I did my own internal yeah because I didn't have to wash sheets and a heavy quilt this morning :-)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My 1st Guitar Lesson

I had my first official guitar lesson last night. I learned how to tune the guitar and then worked on 5 basic chords that are used in a lot of songs. I played for about 2 hours and this morning, my left hand fingertips are sore when I press on the keys! My instructor said it'd be about a month before my fingers would not hurt any longer. He also said that Bill did an excellent job picking out a guitar. Can't wait to practice!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Weekend Review

How I wish Mondays would never come. We had another jam packed, fun weekend, even though the thermometer continued to read in the triple digits every day! Saturday morning we were up early and out on the boat, just the family, for tubing and wakeboarding. It was a little windy so the water was choppier than normal for the mornings, but we all still had a really good time. We came home from the boat and went to a school friend's birthday party. She had a waterslide and slip-n-slide set up in her backyard so again the girls were in their bathing suits and having a ball.
Sunday we got up early again and this time went on the boat with our friends Mindy, Sean, Delia and Charlie. All the girls went tubing and we even got Lauren and Delia to tubing with each other...without parents! We went very slow and they had a lot of fun. We finished up the morning swimming in the cove. That afternoon we ventured to find Lauren her kindergarten backpack and lunchbox. Too many choices but we finally agreed upon a Gap backpack with butterflies. We also had some Barnes and Noble gift cards to use, and purchased a handful of books for both the girls and me :-) Bill even snuck a book for himself on the pile. I went to bed early last night and ended up reading 150 pages of New Moon, the second book in the Twilight series. After B&N, we went looking for a new pair of sandals for Bill since the bottom sole was ripping away, and instead ended up getting Lauren 2 new pair of tennis shoes - one for now since she has grown out of all we had - and one for when school starts. She picked Nike because she said she pushes on the swoosh and it makes her run faster. Track star in the making.
Our final destination was Chuy's for a nice, cool dinner. The girls were fantastic since we usually sit outside where they can run around. It was still over a 100 at 5:30pm last night, so we opted for an inside table, and the girls were awesome.
All I can say is we need an extra day just to relax from the weekends!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Champion Wii Bowler

Rarely do I ever beat Bill in any sports event - actual or electronic - that was, until the other night when I crushed him in Wii bowling. Not only did I beat him once, but it was three in a row. After the third game, I had to document with a photo. I knocked him out of PRO status in Wii bowling and am tracking higher than him in the stats the game keeps. Yes - I am gloating, and yes - I am proud of myself. Sadly, I would not be able to accumulate half that score in real bowling, but I'm super bowler with my Wii (it even looks like me!) ~ Jessica

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swine Flu

We took our neighboors out on our boat a few weeks ago and their daughter/our babysitter ended up getting sick the next day. It was the flu and once tested it was SWINE FLU!!! We were a few feet away from the virus and were lucky enough to not get it. Close Call... -Bill

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

DDD Weekend

Our friends Dan and Dawn came to visit us this past weekend from Dallas. We had a lot of fun going on the boat Saturday and competition Wii.

Sunday consisted of two back-to-back birthday parties for the girls. One for two friends at school at a bounce house and the other for their best neighbor friend, Delia, which was at the pool. Needless to say, even with 2 helpings of cake, the girls were worn out that night. Us too!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


It's just the girls and me since Bill is in California (until tonight @ midnight) for work. I think it's God's sense of humor to throw things at the "single" parent when the other is on a business trip. My "thing" is a small head cold, which I am the biggest baby about. The girls last night were fed, bathed, pj'd, and read to by 7pm. Mom was in bed by 7:15pm. Bill's "thing" was Emma getting strep throat while I was in China last year. As if watching the kids isn't enough!
Last night I made fish sticks (our favorite when dad is gone...he can't stand them) and tartar sauce, french fries and black beans. Lauren said it was the best dinner I've made...the credit goes to those Gorden fishermen. Tonight is Taco Cabana drive-thru on my way home from work to pick up the kids.
We are knee deep in polly pocket heaven in the living room. I brought out the Barbie house that our neighbor (gladly) gave to us, and I tried to keep the little plastic pieces in a relatively small area by putting down a blanket, but I'm sure I'll be sucking up little 3" high plastic heels in the vacuum. The girls love playing with them and I also find myself picking out a little doll and doing a fashion show as well.
But, we can't wait for daddy to come home!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

7 foot rocket

Our friends bought us a 7 foot rocket that gets launched by water and air pressure. They have one as well. We had a great time launching it on Sunday. We called over the neighbor kids to witness the big event. It was a little windy but still went up pretty high. The kids, and I, thought it was awesome. After about 5 launches it landed on our neighbors house but I was able to get it down with a ladder and a tree trimming pole. Thanks Ray, Erica, Grace and Carter. -Bill

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dr. Clark and Dr. Clark

It's funny what kids will imagine to be with a night reading light. Emma is practicing to be an ENT doctor, while Lauren is starting early to be a dentist. Thankfully, no monkeys in the ear were found per Dr. Emma Clark, and Dr. Lauren Clark determined Emma to be cavity-free. I wonder if this means we can skip their checkup appointments :-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lauren & Emma's Birthday Pool Party

Lauren and Emma had their birthday party at the pool on Saturday. They invited all their classmates at school and their other close friends to swim, eat pizza and have cake. We set up the table centerpieces with lots of pool toys that their friends could play with and take home with them. Everyone had a good time!

Lake Austin Spa

Bill and I spent Friday night/Saturday morning at the Lake Austin Spa and Resort. It was amazing from the moment we entered the gates until we left the next morning. We started Friday morning kayaking on Lake Austin. We went to the pool for a little while and then came back to the main house for lunch. More pool, then a quick escape back to reality to celebrate Emma's birthday at school. Then it was back to the spa for more pool time. We played bingo but didn't win, then ate dinner while watching all the boats go by on the lake. Then, I had a massage and Bill spent the time in the gym and at the pool. After my massage we were again at the pool which was cool to swim while looking at the stars.Our room was quaint and faced the lake. The next morning I got up early and walked around the resort while Bill slept in. The water was so calm in the morning, I took this picture. You could turn the picture upside down and not know which was the water and which was the sky. We ate breakfast and then went home to get ready for the girls' dual birthday party. I can't wait to go back to the resort (hint hint hint Bill).

Friday, July 10, 2009


Happy Birthday Emma. Emma was very excited to turn 3 today. She is having a party at school today and then a bigger one this weekend with Lauren at the pool. More pictures later... -Bill


Lake Austin Spa

If you need me I will be enjoying my complimentary day/night at Lake Austin Spa. Oh Jessica will be there too. I will be hanging out by the pool and lake and Jessica will enjoy the other amenities. -Bill

Grandma and Grandpa in town

My Parents are in town for Emma's Birthday. Lauren was very excited to read them a story. -Bill

Monday, July 6, 2009

Random pics from the weekend

Here are some random pictures I took this weekend. - Bill

Project at Home Depot

For the few hours we were not swimming this weekend we actually did some shopping and work around the house. The kids made a project at Home Depot and had a great time. -Bill

the tiny pool

After being on the boat or at a pool for 14 hours over the past 3 days we were done by Sunday afternoon. Well Jessica and I were. The kids wanted to go to the pool. We compromised by blowing up the tiny green pool we got when Lauren turned 1 and the slip n slide. The girls played in that pool for over 1 hour. -Bill
Me cooling off. It was 103 out. Can you blame me?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Every year, the golf course shoots fireworks and I think we have the best free seat in the house to watch them...right from our front porch!

Friday, July 3, 2009

11 little ducks

Friday morning we went out on the boat. The lake was still calm so Jessica wakeboarded, Lauren and Emma tubed and then we went to the cove to swim. It didn't get busy until around 12:00 which was about the time we left so we avoided most of the holiday traffic. While we were swimming I heard a quack and looked over and a bunch of ducks headed over to us. We quickly got out and threw them some food and they stayed for about 15 minutes. There were 10 babies, which were almost grown up, and 1 Mommy duck. They even climbed up on the swim platform for a while. -Bill