Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lake Austin Spa

Bill and I spent Friday night/Saturday morning at the Lake Austin Spa and Resort. It was amazing from the moment we entered the gates until we left the next morning. We started Friday morning kayaking on Lake Austin. We went to the pool for a little while and then came back to the main house for lunch. More pool, then a quick escape back to reality to celebrate Emma's birthday at school. Then it was back to the spa for more pool time. We played bingo but didn't win, then ate dinner while watching all the boats go by on the lake. Then, I had a massage and Bill spent the time in the gym and at the pool. After my massage we were again at the pool which was cool to swim while looking at the stars.Our room was quaint and faced the lake. The next morning I got up early and walked around the resort while Bill slept in. The water was so calm in the morning, I took this picture. You could turn the picture upside down and not know which was the water and which was the sky. We ate breakfast and then went home to get ready for the girls' dual birthday party. I can't wait to go back to the resort (hint hint hint Bill).

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