Monday, November 16, 2009

Busy Little Bee

I went 31 years without feeling the sting of a bee, until Saturday morning when a yellow jacket decided I needed an early morning wake up call. I hadn't even had my coffee yet when that little thing decided to unleash itself on my shoulder blade. And I had just had a massage the day before, all relaxed and whatnot, so it had to tense me right back up. I cannot believe how painful it was and how long the effect lasted (I'm still "sore" in the 3 spots). I no longer care if there is a shortage of bees, I will be swatting away, protecting my family from the little buggers.


erica said...

Ouch. I'm sorry that happened. That doesn't look like the nice little bees that fly around the pumpkins. That thing looks evil.

Lampreyguy said...

I remember once when riding my motorcycle a hornet hitting my leather jacket on the arm and the little bugger then crawling down to my wrist and up the sleeve only to sting me at 70+ mph. And then there was the time atop a 32' extension ladder painting the peak of the house when a yellow jacket decided to land and sting...ouch and hold on!

Nasty little creatures...honey bees are tame in comparison.