Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Father's Day Picnic

Emma's school held their father's day picnic today, a little early so that all the kids could participate before school ends for the summer. Bill is out of town (and oddly was last year too), so I came and watched Emma do classroom work and eat a sack lunch with her and her friends on the playground. Last night I asked Emma if it was OK that I come instead of daddy since I'm not a dad, and she said "Well, I'd better ask my teachers in the morning if you can come." So, sure enough, this morning when I walked her into school, she asked her teacher if I could come. Thankfully, they said it'd be OK this time :-) He had a really fun time. Bill was bummed, but I guarantee he didn't mind missing out on the pre-made sandwiches...ham and cheese with mayonnaise...mmm, good!

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