Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Update

I love Fridays at work because:
  1. It's Friday (duh)
  2. Everyone in this company is burning banked vacation since they changed policy and we can no longer bank hours but instead go to the "use it or lose it" policy. There are people here who get 8 weeks of vacation annually, plus 5 floating holidays, plus had 2 months of banked vacation to use up in 2010. Needless to say, I'm the one turning the lights on and off every Friday - there is no one here.
  3. Per #2 above, I have a lot of time to myself with no one calling me, emailing me, or stopping by unannounced
  4. I can catch up on my blog reading and writing

On Thursday, Lauren's school hosted a Thanksgiving lunch. Bill was already there as a W.A.T.C.H.Dog for the day, so I picked up Emma from school and met them all there. We arrived early enough so Emma was able to catch recess with the 1st graders. She ran out the door with all the kids and b-lined straight to the swings, where she got into the sitting did she know to do that? She waited patiently and was so excited to swing on the big kids playground. Lauren, on the other hand, rallied the kids and got Bill to play a game of tag. Seems all the kids decided to be the taggers and gang up on the Watchdog :-) The lunch was really good and Emma was so excited to eat hot lunch at the elementary school, even though she says she gets hot lunch every day from Chef Tara (at her school).

We had a family homework assignment to disguise a turkey so that it would be spared from being a meal on a Thanksgiving table. We discussed possible disguises...a cheerleader, a football player, a princess...all great ideas. We ended up wrapping it like a Christmas present, attaching a tag to its beak which read "To: Santa, From: Lauren" turned out very cute. Lauren, Emma and Bill colored the Turkey while I cut out the wrapping paper and made the curly streamers. Lauren taped the paper and streamers to the Turkey. It was a lot of fun. Here's a picture of my two turkeys working on the turkey.

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