Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Foreshadowing to the Thanksgiving Post

A lack of postings over the Thanksgiving weekend does not imply a void of activities, but on the contrary indicates fun had by all. So much fun, that we've had little time to sit and post a synopsis of the weekend events. I'm certain Bill will follow up with photos, because I can only paint an abstract picture with my oh so eloquent writings.
Tom and Gail were in town for the holiday and kept the girls quite busy doing crafts, playing outside, and going to the park. Tom and the girls were pretending to be pirates of all kinds, and we had to guess what kind of pirates they were, such as vacuum pirates, cooker pirates, and magazine pirates.
Gail helped the girls make homemade visors and door hangers with foam stickers. They played colorform game that makes all sorts of faces. Lauren put all the pieces in the right place, and Emma stacked all the noses on top of one another.
The turkey dinner turned out as all feasts do - a ton of food and full bellies. It was fun as usual to prepare all the items.
The highlight of the weekend was the parade downtown. It's like a mini Macy's parade with big floating balloons, bands, and eclectic Austin entries, like the Carmadillo (it's a car in the shape on an armadillo...and no it wasn't upside down with its tongue hanging out).
Another successful Turkey Weekend!

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