Monday, December 8, 2008

Sugar Church

The girls participated in Operation Christmas Child through our church this weekend. They each took home a plastic container and filled it with fun items for a little girl less fortunate. On Saturday they brought their containers and walked it up to the front of the church to hand in. Afterward, we all went downstairs and made a gingerbread church, using a sugar cone as the steeple. I didn't get the memo to bring tools to mix the powdered sugar frosting, so being the smart engineer that I am, I ripped off a corner of the box and used it as a spreader, and the pointy end of the steeple as a stirrer. Our church looked just as good as those who came prepared, and I didn't have to do any dishes! The girls ate about half the frosting, which may I remind you was watered down powdered sugar. It didn't take long for them to be bouncing off the church walls, and Bill and I were thinking this was a cruel activity the church put on for families...getting all these kids hyper on sugar! When we were done, they took our picture for the bulletin, and we brought the church home for decoration. The girls had a really fun time.

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