- We have had 2924 visits from 790 unique people. Averages about 8 people per day.
- 95% are from the US but we have visitors from around the globe. The top ones are Canada, Brazil, Spain, UK, Argentina, Italy, France, Germany
- Most people come from inputting web address, link or bookmark but a few come from random google searches. My favorites are: "First black eye" and "my last day at Dell"
- 20% of our traffic comes from our friend Erica. Thanks Erica
We don't get that many comments but would welcome more.
Thanks for Visiting. -Bill
1 comment:
Very interesting. I don't know very much at all about who visits my blog or where they come from. I will tell you one way to get comments on your blog. Talk about politics : ) Just kidding. What you could do is give something away. Lots of crafty moms with craft blogs will do a giveway. They randomly select one person who left a comment on that day and give them whatever the prize is. I'm thinking about doing it on my blog. Just a fun way to get people who are reading to stop and comment.
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