Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lauren's Registered for Kindergarten

I've been anticipating this day for some time when I would be signing Lauren up for kindergarten, but I did not anticipate it being so emotional for me. I found myself getting choked up after leaving with my kinder prep kit folder...thinking about her walking into a school of 400+ kids, navigating the halls with 5th graders, and figuring out how to get to the YMCA program in the gym after school. When did time decide to fly by where Lauren is old enough for kindergarten? If I'm this moved by just signing her up, I'm going to be a complete wreck on the first day.
Her school will be brand new and is being built as I type. It will be ready come August 24th, but the paint may still be wet on the walls. Here is a picture of it from the community pool. It is probably the size of my old high school.

1 comment:

erica said...

I'm not sure about the whole kindergarten thing, either. Doesn't it seem like they were just born a few months ago?